If you want to cancel your timeshare in New Hampshire, you may need the experts at Timeshare Compliance. Our team understands the law. In fact, we use state laws to force developers into complying with all state laws. In New Hampshire, state laws offer opportunities to cancel timeshare contracts whenever we can show that the developer used unethical sales practices or misrepresented what our clients were receiving. If you’ve been deceived or duped by a timeshare developer, then call 1-800-705-6856 and our team at Timeshare Compliance will start using the New Hampshire laws to cancel your timeshare contract.
Law To Cancel Timeshare Contracts
In New Hampshire, Title 31, Chapter 356A: Land Sales Full Disclosure Act governs all timeshare contracts.
We also look to Chapter 356B, the Condominium Act.
Each of those New Hampshire laws provides options for those who want to cancel timeshare contracts. Our experts at Timeshare Compliance know how to navigate those laws, and we also know how to navigate the fine print in timeshare contracts. When we find issues of noncompliance, we force the timeshare developer to cancel the timeshare contract. Does that make sense? If so, then contact us at Timeshare Compliance today so we can get started to canceling your timeshare contract.
You can expect the following to occur.
One our specialists will speak with you to learn about the unethical sales practices you endured. We will learn specifically how the timeshare developer contacted you and lured you into a sales presentation.
- Did the timeshare developer offer a gift?
- Did the timeshare developer comply with all laws concerning promotion of the timeshare?
Those are the types of issues that result in us being able to cancel timeshare contracts for our clients at Timeshare Compliance. You have the right to cancel a timeshare purchase, and in some cases, we can force the timeshare developer to issue a full refund.